Bang bang that awful sound – TP names the baby who shot…down

When she “was five and he was six” and they “rode on horses made of sticks”, surely they didn’t ride into Galatoire’s to make the “awful sound”!

Today’s Times Picayune reports theĀ  identity of the “baby” who “shot…down” in Galatoire’s gun mystery, owner revealed:

On Friday afternoon, the convivial hum of a dozen simultaneous conversations in the sanctum sanctorum of New Orleans’ social set, Galatoire’s, was pierced by the unfamiliar crackle of a gunshot.

Luckily, no one was injured by the errant bullet, which apparently was fired when a purse containing a .38-caliber pistol fell off a table near the foyer and went off when it hit the floor. The bullet lodged harmlessly in a panel of black wainscoting. Police came and took an incident report. No one was arrested.

But the episode soon took on a life of its own Continue reading “Bang bang that awful sound – TP names the baby who shot…down”