Paulson’s purse and Steve Bartlett’s plan

The Beatles had the song.

Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song
And I’ll try not to sing out of key…

Yahoo News had the story – Companies start competing for bailout money.

The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.

Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want the Treasury Department to cut them a piece of the largest government rescue in U.S. history.

The betting is that many with their hands out will be successful, especially with financial markets in a stomach-churning dive and predictions the economy is about to tumble into a deep recession.

These groups argue that the credit squeeze is so severe and the risks to the economy so dire that their industries need financial support as well.

The Treasury is considering requests from a variety of industries, but has not decided whether to expand the program, officials said Saturday.

Lobbying efforts are intensifying…

What else would you expect when Paulson has more money than God but no plan for our salvation?

Does it worry you to be alone
Are you sad at the end of the day

He forced billions on the big banks –  So when will banks give loans and boost the economy Continue reading “Paulson’s purse and Steve Bartlett’s plan”

Paulson's purse and Steve Bartlett's plan

The Beatles had the song.

Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song
And I’ll try not to sing out of key…

Yahoo News had the story – Companies start competing for bailout money.

The bailout is now the hottest lobbying game in town.

Insurers, automakers and American subsidiaries of foreign banks all want the Treasury Department to cut them a piece of the largest government rescue in U.S. history.

The betting is that many with their hands out will be successful, especially with financial markets in a stomach-churning dive and predictions the economy is about to tumble into a deep recession.

These groups argue that the credit squeeze is so severe and the risks to the economy so dire that their industries need financial support as well.

The Treasury is considering requests from a variety of industries, but has not decided whether to expand the program, officials said Saturday.

Lobbying efforts are intensifying…

What else would you expect when Paulson has more money than God but no plan for our salvation?

Does it worry you to be alone
Are you sad at the end of the day

He forced billions on the big banks –  So when will banks give loans and boost the economy Continue reading “Paulson's purse and Steve Bartlett's plan”