Kuehns put State Farm's foot in the other shoe with Motion to Enforce Settlement

At this point in Katrina litigation, it takes a long memory or short search to come up with enough background  to give context to recent developments in a case such as Kuehn v State Farm.

Henry and June Kuehn were among the hundreds of policyholders who attempted to resolve their claim right up to the day the August 29, 2008 SOL would have prevented filing suit.  SLABBED published Double Trouble – Kuehn v State Farm, the first of 20 mentioning the case, the following February.  Sop’s   Henry and June and the Topic of State Farm’s Cancerous Claims Handling: A Kuehn v State Farm Update (Updated) and Well here is another nice mess you’ve gotten me into Part Deux: Judge Senter lowers the boom on the topic of State Farm’s cancerous Katrina claims handling. Slabbed Congratulates Henry and June Kuehn were the last summarizing the issues.

From August 2009 forward, Kuehn v State Farm has been headed to trial on the remaining issues with State Farm attempting to settle.  The Company made two Offers of Judgment, the second this past April, and the case settled – or so it seemed until the Kuehn’s filed a Motion to Enforce Settlement .  Ironically, the sticking point is State Farm’s insistence the terms of the  settlement are confidential – and what we learn is that all along it has been State Farm, not plaintiffs, requiring confidential agreements to settle Katrina claims litigation! Continue reading “Kuehns put State Farm's foot in the other shoe with Motion to Enforce Settlement”