SLABBED Daily – July 2

Congressman Taylor’s letter to Secretary Napolitano and video once again call our attention to the transcript of the oral arguments presented to the Mississippi Supreme Court in Corban v USAA.

A start-to-finish reading of the transcripts makes it clear that many here have spent the four years since Katrina  in an effort comparable to nailing  jello to a tree – and that Corban v USAA has given the members of the Supreme Court a taste of that struggle.

Attorney Danny Cupit, speaking for the Attorney General, provided an equally descriptive example:

…listening to the arguments of Nationwide, I’m reminded of the conversation in the  children’s book by Louis Carroll, “Through the Looking Glass,” when Alice asked Humpty Dumpty if words meandifferent things. And Humpty Dumpty said, “When I use a  word, it means just what I want it to mean; nothing more, nothing less.”

He went on to make the important point that the loss attaches at the time the cause occurs. Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – July 2”