Jeff Amy reports on risky new models – hurricane, that is (Sports Illustrated reports tomorrow)

Say “model” this time of year and even SLABBED’s most faithful readers are more likely to think “Sports Illustrated” than “hurricane”.  On looks alone, there’s no doubt which of the two models has the most immediate impact.  Long-term impact, however, is a different matter.  The new hurricane risk models will be reflected in the availability and cost of insurance coverage for years to come while SI models change from year-to-year.

Jeff Amy covers insurance issues in Alabama and coastal Mississippi for the Press Register and you don’t want to miss his latest reports on hurricane modeling – or the picture of the model: Short-term hurricane modeling driving up coastal insurance costs, say critics;Coastal homeowners may have less hurricane risk under new computer model:

For context, review Paige St. John and the Herald-Tribune nail the insurance industry! Amy brings St. John’s work close to home: Continue reading “Jeff Amy reports on risky new models – hurricane, that is (Sports Illustrated reports tomorrow)”