Inc 500 reports insurer America’s fastest growing private company

…insurance isn’t just a numbers game. There’s humanity involved.

When the big insurers exited the Florida market, a start-up saw an opportunity…Read the story of the founding and growth of Northern Capital.

Once, a large garbage truck veered off the road and ran into a house we insured, demolishing a wall. The family was displaced — it was a tremendous hardship. It wasn’t our liability, but still, we had our claims crew out there within the hour, put up the family in a hotel, paid for the repairs ourselves, and then worked it out with the waste-management company. Things like that remind you that …insurance isn’t just a numbers game. There’s humanity involved.

Amazing!  Sop, I bet these guys would have taken care of customers if a trailer of trailer of chicken parts broke loose in a hurricane and demolished a wall of a house they insurered.   Homeowner insurers weren’t in there fighting for their customers after Katrina, they just let the NFIP cover the loss.