USA tells Judge Biggers more time needed for response to Zach Scruggs

After pulling a truckload of briefs in the various qui tam cases last week, my desktop was so loaded that I skipped my routine Friday evening check.  One more confession while I’m in this tell-all mood — I actually welcomed the notice of “routine maintenance” that made the PACER system inaccessible most all weekend as I’d begun to feel like the computer version of  of Shel Silverstein’s television-watching Jimmy Jet:

“He watched till his eyes were frozen wide,
And his bottom grew into his chair…
And grew a plug that looked like a tail…”

In my eagerness to avoid Jimmy Jet’s fate, I didn’t catch the latest item on the docket of USA v David Zachery Scruggs before I got out of my chair for the weekend.  Patsy Brumfield, however, somehow got word and posted Prosecutors ask for time in Zach Scruggs’ appeal in today’s”:

“Federal prosecutors in Oxford say they need more direction from Washington before they respond to Zach Scruggs’ motion to vacate his 2008 conviction.”
Hoping the “beach brief”  makes “my butt look smaller”, I raced to the tuned-up PACER and picked up the USA’s Motion for Extension of Time that appears in full below the jump.  Before we go there, let’s examine the USA’s argument that additional time to respond is needed because Zach cited “the United States Supreme Court’s recent Skilling opinion” and:
“… the Department of Justice has promulgated guidelines to federal prosecutors regarding Skilling responses, the undersigned prosecutor has submitted to the Department of Justice an outline of the government’s proposed response, and is awaiting approval…”
Skilling, while opening the door for Zach Scruggs to file his motion, is not the only matter DOJ should consider.  The USA falsely claimed the jurisdiction needed to build a case against Dick Scruggs –  SLABBED explained but it was the 5th Circuit that declared there must be a “nexus between the criminal conduct and the agency,” administering the federal funds: Continue reading “USA tells Judge Biggers more time needed for response to Zach Scruggs”