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This Blog has moved

My blog is now being hosted at a new location. Please update your RSS feed or email subscription.  To set up an RSS feed for the new site, click here.

If you have an email subscription to my blog, you’ll need to update your subscription at the new site.  There is a form there to enter your email address and subscribe to the blog.

To visit the new blog site, point your web browser to www.propertyinsurancecoveragelaw.com.

In addition, the archived content of this site has been removed from this domain, in order to eliminate any confusion with the blog’s new location at http://www.propertyinsurancecoveragelaw.com/. If you have stumbled upon this site through an outdated google search result, the post you are looking for is archived at the new site.  Just follow the above link to find all of my previous posts.


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