The News Corp Journalism scandal reveals the ugly underbelly of journalism, Rupert Murdoch style.

Not that American’s own Faux News doesn’t have its own problems such as having a Republican political operative, I mean VP ordering the so called news staff how to frame their reporting on things like climate change, Obama speeches etc. but the revelations and associated stench coming from News Corp’s UK based outlet News of the World are simply stunning and now it appears journalism News Corp style has crossed into the realm of the criminal.

I mean shit it is bad enough Fox News is the official US based propaganda arm for the nation of Israel and the GOP but imagine how bad it is at Wall Street Journal as their editorial board was already a bunch of corporate whores before Murdoch bought the paper. The man at the top sets the tone folks (except when scandal hits and then it is the secretary’s fault) and with Murdoch style news reporting the news takes a back seat to collecting the benjamins.
