"Who Dat" Judge Martin Feldman owned Ocean EnergyTransocean Stock as late as May 14, 2010. Slabbed calls for his immediate removal from the bench and impeachment.

To our readers across the world: The people here in the Gulf South are slaves to political idealogues that populate our court system and masquerade as judges. We’re madder than hell and we’re not going to take it any more.

This is why no one should EVER let Joe the Plumber do their thinking for them. And Joe, so you know boubie, we question Feldman’s partiality here at Slabbed because we know the man, inside and out, from the way he butchered the insurance litigation after Katrina in favor of big insurance companies. You have been freed from moderation because I’d love to hear what the GOP from Ohio has to say about this.  (This person is not really Joe but is someone from Ohio that is just as dumb, maybe even dumber.)

Without further adieu I’ve embedded some of Feldman’s recent work below the fold from the cases of  Williams v Transocean and Cajun Offshore Charters v Transocean. Feldman thinks admits to he still owns Transocean on May 14, 2010. There is also another conflict on Feldman’s part where he admits one of the law firms involved in the litigation does his personal legal work but still he refuses to recuse himself. (H/T a member of the Slabbed Nation) Continue reading “"Who Dat" Judge Martin Feldman owned Ocean EnergyTransocean Stock as late as May 14, 2010. Slabbed calls for his immediate removal from the bench and impeachment.”