BREAKING: AMV’s suit against Jefferson Parish has settled

And the whistleblower suit is over! Congratulations to AMV, Parish Prez John Young, Deb Foshee and Bobby Truitt. As a sage litigator of national renoun once told me, settling means taking less than what you want it is also true there are situations where everyone comes out on the other side satisfied with the result. I think that is the case here.

I have no details thought I suspect there is a golden handcuff in play which means there will never be any details released. Time will tell.

Attorney General Hood wants “whistleblowers” backing up his argument to Judge Barbier

SLABBED reported Judge Barbier’s rockin’ Order and Reasons in Judge Barbier rocks! Rules “claims czar not independent of BP”, including his requirement that all parties file additional briefs by Friday of this week. (Order and Reasons follow in scribd format below)

McClatchy News has a story – Mississippi AG: BP spill victims got ‘stiff-armed’ on claims – indicating Barbier’s rockin’ had AG Hood rollin’ out a call for whistleblowers:

Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood wants to hear from whistle-blowers with inside information about how the Gulf Coast Claims Facility is operating.

Hood believes GCCF administrator Ken Feinberg “stiff-armed” claimants on emergency and interim claims because they required no release of the right to sue BP and other parties responsible for the April 2010 Gulf oil catastrophe. When claimants grew desperate, Hood believes, GCCF rolled out final payments that do require waiving the right to sue.

“They’re not following the law,” Hood said. “They’re just trying to coerce people into signing these releases”…

As SLABBED has repeatedly mentioned, Hood learned all he needed to know about “waiving the right to sue” from the MID mediation program that “stiff armed” State Farm policyholder claimants in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

IMO, that lesson accounts for his current insistence that there is no relationship between the number and amount of paid claims and the integrity of the claims process!

Anyone heard a whistle blow?

(Judge Barbier’s Order and Reasons below the jump) Continue reading “Attorney General Hood wants “whistleblowers” backing up his argument to Judge Barbier”

BREAKING: We have a press release from Team Vandenweghe.

For immediate publication

Yesterday, newly-elected Jefferson Parish President John Young terminated longtime Assistant Parish Attorney Anne Marie Vandenweghe. Despite being out on temporary leave for medical reasons, Ms. Vandenweghe was not afforded the opportunity of any hearing by Mr. Young or the Parish Attorney, Peggy Barton.

Ms. Vandenweghe had been the subject of unfounded allegations that she was “blogging” while at work, and past Interim Parish President Steve Theriot had suspended Ms. Vandenweghe, only to later re-instate her when the claims proved not to be true. No apology was ever offered to her, she was moved to a different job not involving public records release, and her name and reputation were damaged.

Since then, Ms. Vandenweghe has been the subject of harassment on the job and her job has been made much more difficult. Ms. Vandenweghe exposed many scandals in the Parish Attorney’s Office and was cooperating with the FBI in its request for documents. This recent job action against her is nothing more than a continuation of an effort by the Parish to silence Ms. Vandenweghe. Continue reading “BREAKING: We have a press release from Team Vandenweghe.”

Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC

In Scott Bloch we find another striking example of why a thorough house cleaning and GOP purge is necessary in Washington DC this November. With this group of right wing ideologues in charge at DoJ is it any wonder Dunn Lampton still can’t make up his mind on intervening on Ex Rel Rigsby? How ironic the strange beds in which our Rigsby-hating State Farm apologist find themselves. What a mess.

The Wall Street Journal has the story.

Federal agents raided the Office of Special Counsel, a government agency involved in several high-profile and politically sensitive investigations. The agents seized computer files and documents from its chief, Scott Bloch, and his staff.

Mr. Bloch, who was appointed by President Bush, has been under investigation since 2005 by the Office of Personnel Management for employee claims that he abused his agency’s authority, retaliated against its staff and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination. Mr. Bloch couldn’t be reached to comment. Continue reading “Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC”