Fake News cuts both ways: Left leaning mainstream media outlets should stop promoting wild conspiracy theories

Anyone that has read these pages over the past year should know we’re not big fans of Donald Trump. Then again we weren’t fans of Hillary Clinton either.

Here at Slabbed we’ve learned a thing or two about PHP security and malicious cyber-attacks through time. That knowledge caused us to question the veracity of claims currently being made by the “Intelligence Community” here in the U.S. about Russia hacking our elections, as reported in various mainstream media outlets such as the New York Times and the WaPo. We have no doubt those organizations were being leaked by the CIA and FBI about what they term Russian hacking including the side shots against Wikileaks, a bane of the intelligence community here in the U.S. What we question is how these media outlets are framing the story as this whole deal appears to be more an exercise in de-legitimizing the election of Trump by making it appear that he is a puppet to the Russian governments than a real news story.

There has been a group of journalists, lead by Glenn Greenwald, that wanted to see some proof of Russian involvement in hacking the 2016 elections. Greenwald’s media outlet, The Intercept has done a great job debunking some of the worst of the yellow journalism on this general issue. Continue reading “Fake News cuts both ways: Left leaning mainstream media outlets should stop promoting wild conspiracy theories”