It’s getting screwy in Bay St Louie!

Employee BenefitsGate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay (Updated) ~ December 6, 2015 Slabbed New Media

Hizzoner said what??

Bay St. Louis avoids insurance calamity ~ December 8, 2015 WLOX TeeVee

Mayor Les Fillingame admits until this week, nobody at Bay St. Louis City Hall knew the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company canceled that policy.

Fillingame said he first learned employees lost their supplemental insurance coverage about 24 hours ago.

Far as I can tell there is only one place Hizzoner could have learned about this “Calamity” and that would be the website that broke it right here at Slabbed. Slabbed knew about the insurance calamity before it was broke on this website but I shall not disclose specifics in order to protect sourcing. Speaking of that and virtual real time coverage of the happenings at City Hall: Continue reading “It’s getting screwy in Bay St Louie!”

Employee BenefitsGate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay (Updated)

Alternate post title: There is no such thing as a secret in Bay St Louis:

I can confirm Poolman’s comments with respect to Dental, Disability and Employee Life Insurance. That which is unfolding will likely be the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

A reliable source has told me that from 9-30-2015 til 12-1-2015 the City of Bay St Louis was without health insurance, disability insurance, dental insurance, for the employees or the family members whom pay the city for this.

According to sources familiar with the operations of Bay City Hall that are not authorized to speak with the media, City employee claims under the voluntary benefits policies have been denied due to the lack of payment, the arrearage totaling over $10,000 for the months of October and November 2015.

With the news bubbling up of the policy cancellation complete with denial of employee claims due to nonpayment of the premiums, this topic is certain to come up at Tuesday’s City council meeting.

December 8, 2015 Update:

The documentary evidence is beginning to bubble up as exhibited by the following below the jump. Continue reading “Employee BenefitsGate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay (Updated)”