Saw this coming long ago……..

“The defense counsel failed to argue that he (Ladner) had tried to quit the county prior to renting his equipment to various vendors,” according to the motion. “The county authorities wouldn’t let him and told him to go ahead and rent it out to people involved in the cleanup and it would all be just fine. The defense counsel failed to bring up the fact that the county attorney was the one who drafted the letter that the defendant signed telling FEMA he had no interest in the companies of his brothers. The truth is, the only thing the defendant did do was rent equipment to contractors that needed it. His supervisors told him to do it and that it would all be good. These are clearly mitigating factors that needed to be brought before the court that were not.”

The major problem I see is Roger Ladner is bringing this up wayyyyy too late. File this one under strung along and hung out to dry.

USA v The Ladners Doc 112
Click to obtain the full 11 page pleading