Mutt and Jiff make their court appearances.

Mutt & Jiff

Here is the skinny on Mutt via Hammerman and the low down on Jiff. IMHO Dambala deserves the props Lee Zurik is getting today in comments at the Picayune. Literally years of posts like this one are the reason I say that.


Laissez les coups bas continuent: Jiff takes another powder.

You just knew instinctively something else was going on here folks so I’ll toot my own horn a wee bit:

The possibilities here are delicious IMA as this entire Plaquemines Parish deal is rife with backstabbing potential.

So what do we now know besides the fact Jiff took a power and copped an early plea?

  1. He wore a wire on Aaron Bennett.
  2. If it is true that Aaron Bennett will be charged later via Bill of Information he too has taken a plea deal.
  3. This whole deal leads to Washington DC.
  4. Billy Nungesser is so fucked.

I would encourage Lee Zurick to keep digging. For my part I have been digging on former Jackson City Councilman Chip Reno who now heads the Talon Group, lobbyists that came up during Mark St Pierre’s trial.  Chip’s peeps populate the Phildo Bryant Campaign as I now openly wonder if former Thad Cochran staffer Ann Copeland took favors from more folks than Jack Abramoff.  This is fertile ground here in Mississippi too folks.

There are forces at work to white wash this whole deal as we speak. Thank goodness DoJ DC is running the show.
