
It appears the Dog Days of Summer have arrived early folks. That said I have a reader submitted link on the Mayor’s panel at the recently concluded Essence Festival that is worth exploring for a couple of reasons:

At Essence panel, mayors discuss ways to combat gentrification ~ Dennis Persica

Too many rich folks messing up the neighborhood? That’s easy folks as I’d invite Hizzoners to send their problems to Bay St Louis where we always have room for one more family (Traditional or otherwise) with money no questions asked. Plus it will serve to cut down on the “gobbledygook” involved with rationalizing institutionalized poverty and its brother institutionalized crime.

Since it was Atlanta’s Mayor Kasim Reed that stepped out the biggest according to Persica’s article, it was only natural I’d do some digging on the success stories he touted such as Tyler Perry’s proposed Movie Studio at the site of the old Fort McPherson, located near downtown Atlanta. Perry will purchase 346 acres for the bargain basement price of $86,700/acre to go along with the massive tax incentives available in Georgia to encourage filming there.

To me, touting transferable tax credits that costs the taxpayers far more than they ever get in return while chasing out the rich folks is a recipe for economic disaster but what do I know? This I do know, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia have become expert at economic development boondoggles, funded as it is with our hard earned tax dollars.  At some point some financial sanity has to enter the equation with the politicians and bureaucracy. Don’t hold your breath.