Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"

Only the Senator whose brain is you-know-where could come up with such a bone-headed plan!

Saying that he has received commitments from the Army Corps of Engineers to move forward with long-delayed Louisiana flood-control projects, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., agreed Wednesday to drop his hold that has blocked a Senate vote on the promotion of Army Brig. Gen. Michael Walsh to major general.

Yesterday’s headline story on linked to TP story Sen. David Vitter drops hold on promotion of Corps of Engineers commander and challenged readers to connect the dots.

Drawing a line in the sand, those dots connect to David Vitter’s grandstand.  Could the Senator have been borrowing trouble and buying time for his big oil contributors – just enough time for BP oil to reach land?

You think, perhaps, it was a coincidence that Vitter claimed victory just as PB oil hit land A month after explosion, oil from Gulf of Mexico spill washes ashore in populated areas?

Slicked and Slabbed complete with a photo gallery and theme song.

“Oh the games people play now
Ev’ry night and ev’ry day now
Never meaning what they say, yeah
Never saying what they mean.”

While all eyes were on the oil in the Gulf, big oil was slickin’ and slabbin’ Tulane’s Environmental Law Center!  ThePopTort tells that story in BP and Law Clinics – One Spooky Interaction: Continue reading “Slicked and SLABBED and "Spooky at a distance"”