Ocean Springs Mayor: Trinity “just doesn’t understand how it works.”

Based on email communications between Slabbed and Ocean Spring residents this is an idea that will never survive the process:

Scott Walker, wife told not to use Ocean Springs home as venue ~ Karen Nelson

A long time ago I had someone from the country through my office that had some experience doing real estate developments in a couple of rural areas in Mississippi. This person got a nice piece of land in a more metropolitan area for what he thought was a steal but he found out the hard way that dirt roads, fifty gallon drums for septic along with no plans for sidewalks, curbs or gutters would not fly in the nicer locales that actually enforce codes and zoning. Stuck with overpriced land and without access to the CIAP program, I imagine the parcel that was such a steal ended up selling at a big loss.

Now back to the 435 East Beach. A best two of three falls cage match between Mayor Moran and Trinity Walker on pay per view has potential IMHO.