It’s Time Slabbed Busted a Nutt…

Brown v Nutt that is. Our readers may remember Maria Brown as the horny legal secretary that once worked for Scruggs Katrina Group member Nutt & McAlister. She arrived on the public scene precisely when all hell was breaking loose with the Scruggs criminal indictment telling a tale of sexual harassment in her complaint against the firm including bonus allegations regarding document handling that was used by State Farm and Renfroe in Renfroe v Rigsby.

When Nutt & McAlister lawyer Chris Shapley of the Brunini firm reminded Ms Brown that her work on Renfroe v Rigsby was confidential, she responded by reporting him to the bar and including him as a defendant in her second amended complaint. I’ll be completely honest and disclose the escalation from zero to nasty in 2.3 seconds caused me to wonder if her attorney Louis Watson Jr was mentally retarded. He certainly is no Clarence Darrow.

The allegations all sounded good until Nutt & McAlister filed their response to her complaint including exhibits which revealed Ms Brown as a woman fascinated by the male sexual reproductive organ who would set up sexual trysts with her lover John Doe while on company time. After that response was filed, the federal court ruled against letting her amend the complaint. I imagine the case is on life support but now it is time for the defendants to rise to the occasion and provide more background as John Doe filed for a protective order to prevent further details of his relationship with Ms Brown from erupting into the public domain. Continue reading “It’s Time Slabbed Busted a Nutt…”