Tanzie Tanzie who do I turn to????? A Cedric Richmond Charity looting update. (Updated)

Are the national Dems running away from ol’ Ced like heck, having seen the error of their ways or are they that confident they have forced a crooked Bill Jefferson political hack on the good folks in NOLA for their voice in DC?  With all the bullshitting that goes on in politics we may never know but we do know who Ced turns to for his campaign shilling in one Tanzie Jones.

Tanzie do we know ya? I thought so.


Update: Mr CLS sent us a Slab-o-gram and as usual it was spot on.  Following his tip I found this story about Tanzie. She is evidently a lying sack of shit herself and political hack to boot. Here is an excerpt:

Jones, who briefly filled the same role for Mayor Ray Nagin in 2004, had been working as an aide to Murray’s legislative colleague, state Sen. Ann Duplessis. Jones left Duplessis’ staff about a month ago.

She handled media relations for state Rep. Cedric Richmond during his short-lived run for the City Council in 2005 and signed on as a volunteer with the mayoral campaign of Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu, who failed to unseat Nagin in 2006. Before she was hired by the city, Jones worked as an assignment editor for ABC-26 News.

After joining Nagin’s staff as a media relations assistant in March 2003, Jones took over as press secretary in August after two of her superiors resigned. She stepped down three months later in the wake of revelations that she claimed a college degree on her resume that the University of New Orleans said she never earned.

All the current players behind Richmond as well. Small world eh Mayor Mitchmo???