He’ll not only go down as the most corrupt POTUS of all times but likely as the most inept

How are them trade wars working out for everyone? The latest tariff, a tax on you and me, goes into effect Friday as your favorite imported single malt whiskey will be going up 25% in price:

By now I think we’re all used to having a Blowhard-in-Chief but when it comes out the Gasbag in the Oval orifice is getting his advice from a guy who quotes imaginary friends in his “academic” works on the subject of trade it takes the word STUPID to an entirely new level:

Now for the corrupt part: Continue reading “He’ll not only go down as the most corrupt POTUS of all times but likely as the most inept”

It’s official: Now there are two buttheads by the name of Scott Walker…..

Scott Walker booking photo / The Sun Herald

Here is the local version on the right, a GOP wannabe in waiting from Jackson County and good buddy to Steven Palazzo.

Here is the Wisconsin version.  At least our guy is a happy drunk.

Scott Walker, (Idiot) Wisconsin

Naturally Jon Stewart had a take on this entire Scott Walker is an idiot saga and this is what he said last night about Gov Walker being punked by a left wing blogger from Buffalo.  Score one for the blogger because Walker is little more than a genuflecting David Koch knob shiner who sold the people in Wisconsin out to the highest big business bidder.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.988520&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Remember what I said about Longshanks being right about the American people being made into slaves? Continue reading “It’s official: Now there are two buttheads by the name of Scott Walker…..”