You know you’ve arrived as a media outlet when you copiously make the Gambit….

Anyone who has interacted with me about how I run Slabbed knows I have just a few rules of the road, most of which are geared to keep the discourse free wheeling and real.  Ideas do not scare us in the search for the truth, even those that turn out to be “borrowed”. I mention all this because over the past few days I’ve heard from a couple of our readers regarding the Gambit column on Jim Brown’s weekly column which is in reality a regurgitation of Mark Moseley’s Len’s column on the same topic that we featured here on here Slabbed back in May. I was at a bit of a disadvantage as Gambit does not immediately put its print edition online thus I did not have access to it here in the mountains of north Georgia until today and was surprised to find not one story but two on this topic as the dog days of summer have evidently dried up the news in metro NOLA leaving time for us bloggers to shoot a few spit balls at each other.

That said I’ve always liked a good spit ball fight going back to my high school days so I enjoyed reading Kevin Allman and Alex Woodward’s story on Jim and his weekly column and was amused to see Slabbed mentioned so many times in it, no doubt as a result of the decision I made to continue running Jim’s column here on Slabbed despite the comments Mark Moseley left here pointing out the non attribution problems in certain of Jim’s columns.

My  reasons are pretty simple as we began as an insurance blog and the fit with Jim’s expertise made him a natural source of information for us.  That said I also had other reasons to interact with Jim as our paths crossed during his criminal prosecution real-time (without Jim knowing).  Unfortunately that pesky rule 301 prevents me from elaborating further on the details there beyond saying I think Jim was railroaded on his lying to the FBI conviction. I’ll add the Louisiana Supreme Court evidently agrees with that assertion as Jim subsequently got his law license back.  I had and still have other reasons to stick with Jim besides that fact that many of his columns are very good, even some of those I didn’t particularly agree with.  Even better is the fact that after Mark wrote that column for the Lens, Jim’s level of attribution went up noticeably as he did indeed take it as an invitation to improve his craft. Continue reading “You know you’ve arrived as a media outlet when you copiously make the Gambit….”

A few stories I’m following today: An open thread

Before I head out to the Bay and daddy duty today I wanted to share a few stories that attracted my interest, some of which we’ve previously blogged on.

Nowdy wondered a few times this football season why I didn’t blog on St Stanislaus QB Dylan Favre as I had several posts on him during the 2008 football season. The reasons were many such as not having a life the past 8 weeks due to having a 2 sports son (pee wee football/soccer) and it seemingly raining every Friday night down here for the past 6 weeks. (I guess I truly am a fair weather fan when it comes to football at my Alma Mater) That said I did manage to take in a few games one of which was the clash involving my second favorite High School Football team, the Forrest County AHS Aggies (Congrats to the Aggies on beating West Lauderdale) and last night’s SSC playoff win over Quitman. Watching Dylan Farve play over the past few years has been a real treat. Though he lacks the height to be on the major college A recruiting list someone in college football will end up with a great QB.

Last night the Dylan and the Rocks converted a 3rd and 17 with a pass that would be the envy of half the QB’s in the NFL – a throw on a rope that hit the receiver in the hands in stride. I’ll let Al Jones at The Sun Herald take it from there:

Along the way, St. Stanislaus improved to 10-1 for the first 10-win season in school history, and Dylan Favre continued his onslaught on Mississippi high school passing records with three-single season records. Continue reading “A few stories I’m following today: An open thread”