Greenlit: Speculation rampant on target of Killer Van

I’ll take the opportunity to point out the van and its occupants were arrested in Jefferson Parish so it is safe to assume the target was there. To set things up for the rest of ya’ll that have no clue what I am talking about:

Killer Ride: Federal sources say van designed to kill ~ Rob Masson

I saw and read Masson’s story and there is something that does not make sense to me in how police can get a tip about a van riding around with a stolen license plate. This is not the type of tip that can come from the general public which tells me there bis more to this story than meets the eye. Masson followed up with a second story on Monday:

Federal, local agents seek possible ‘assassination van’ targets ~ Rob Masson

The initial Jefferson Parish report said the van was reported by an unnamed source. FOX 8 has now learned that source was a camera programmed to spot stolen plates. Jefferson Parish deputies say they have nearly 100 such cameras looking for stolen cars.

I have heard such cameras in Mississippi helped solve the Jaren Lockhart murder. Big Brother has some utility folks but it still does not tell us the identity of the intended target(s) of the van’s occupants, Dominick Gullo and Joseph Gagliano, both reputed organized crime figures, Gagliano in particular.

5 Plead Guilty to Defrauding Bally Gaming ~ New York Times Archives

I do not see Gullo or Gagliano cooperating with the authorities here. I’ll be keeping an eye on the case