Sacked: Jefferson Parish Housing Authority members shit-canned by Parish Prez John Young

Drew Broach is reporting John Young has fired 6 board members of the JP Housing Authority.  In addition to the 3 board members that openly supported disgraced former executive director Barry Bordelon he also discharged the 3 board members that abstained likely because they choose to sit on their hands instead of discharge their fiduciary duty to the Housing Authority.

Political observers tell Slabbed to expect the Housing Authority Board to file writs with the 24th JDC for a TRO. Pop some popcorn because we got us a major battle brewing.

File this one under power of the written word.

The crooks at the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority are alright: Board refuses to fire Barry Bordelon

It is in your face corruption folks.  Those catching up may recall the HUD OIG issued a scathing report on the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority including potential criminal misdeeds on part of former executive director Barry Bordelon.  Naomi Martin at NOLA filed a very good report on the topic as it appears the gang of malfeasants on the Housing Authority Board are conspiring to insure Bordelon gets his full state retirement, despite the fact OIG makes clear he is as crooked as the day is long.  Martin’s story is a must read because she named names folks.

This kind of in your face, public disregard for fiduciary duty does not happen often folks as Hunley Dufour Jr. feigned ignorance of the kind that would have resulted in both tar and feather in an earlier day as Monica Hernandez at WWL Tee Vee illustrates:

Folks this kind of disregard for both the law and community can be cleaned up but people are gonna have to make noise.  I think ‘Gate once pointed out there is a criminal malfeasance statute in Louisiana.  Buddy Caldwell would be the guy to pursue anything along those lines and if enough people call his office and raise cain, well “tickle my ass with a feather” ol boy may just do something to earn his paycheck.  And of course there is the new guy Dana over at Car 54.