In other Christmas Eve News

David Welker? Where in the heck have we heard that name before. Ā šŸ˜‰

Former FBI agent appointed interim CEO of BP oil spill claims office ~Ā Mark Schleifstein

Anyone so interested in the goings on at the BP Spill claims office should be reading Jason Berry over at American Zombie, especially you trial lawyer hating GOP types.

Moving right along we have the small town of Semmes Alabama and their Christmas parade (h/t Jr in comments).

Surprise! Alabama Town Accidentally Invites Black Drag Queens to Perform in Christmas Parade ~ Progressive Populist

The pictures of the locals reacting to the The Prancing EliteĀ are simply priceless. I know this, should the Prancers be retained for the Bay St Louis Christmas parade, I would most certainly go. Something tells me business will be picking up for troupe. You go girls!