Breaking News: Sean Anthony reportedly indicted

Utility Authority contractor S.H. Anthony charged with conspiracy ~ Anita Lee

In other news tonight’s city council meeting should be interesting:

Bay councilman Boudin arrested for assault, trespassing, malicious mischief. ~ Dwayne Bremer

So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..

After covering a couple three of these criminal investigation thingys my best advice is patience as there is certainly lots happening in the background. For instance political favors are certainly being called etc etc as these things are undeniably intertwined with the criminal justice process. These are reasons that folks like Ray Ray the Chocolate Guy in New Orleans are literally indicted on the eve of the expiration of the statute of limitations.  These things are largely outside the control of the unwashed masses.

But for those that may have forgotten Slabbed, along with the Sun Herald were early innovators on the topic of mugshots and the Walker clan.  In fairness to Slabbed, the Sun Herald didn’t use Scott Walker’s Mug Shot from his DUI arrest as their only Walker photo as we did here at Slabbed, but we operate on a shoestring budget,

There has been stuff happening though and but it takes some ciphern’ and deciphering to make sense of but luckily for everyone Cousin Cooter from Jackson has lent some assistance.  He tells me the authorities are evidently looking at far more than just DMR corruption and it is hard to tell if the various data points intersect.  I do not have all the answers but we cracked the Dampier Fishing trip and the connection to Hemphill as the community came through for RFP knows his chit.

This is what I can say as the following data points do correlate.  The investigative community is closely examining S. H. Anthony Construction (‘Gate take a bow) and when I think about that topic I think Harrison County Utility Authority. The Sun Herald has done some great work in exposing the insider perks Anthony showered on the previous executive director but the name I heard linked to Anthony had nothing to do with that, at least on the surface. That name is Continue reading “So the assemblage is calling for Mugshots…..”