Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC

In Scott Bloch we find another striking example of why a thorough house cleaning and GOP purge is necessary in Washington DC this November. With this group of right wing ideologues in charge at DoJ is it any wonder Dunn Lampton still can’t make up his mind on intervening on Ex Rel Rigsby? How ironic the strange beds in which our Rigsby-hating State Farm apologist find themselves. What a mess.

The Wall Street Journal has the story.

Federal agents raided the Office of Special Counsel, a government agency involved in several high-profile and politically sensitive investigations. The agents seized computer files and documents from its chief, Scott Bloch, and his staff.

Mr. Bloch, who was appointed by President Bush, has been under investigation since 2005 by the Office of Personnel Management for employee claims that he abused his agency’s authority, retaliated against its staff and dismissed whistleblower cases without adequate examination. Mr. Bloch couldn’t be reached to comment. Continue reading “Good Job Brownie! The Rigsby Sisters & Why We Need to Clean House in DC”