Half Moon set: Local bloggers sour on Mayor Mitcho

Jason at AZ wrote a fantastic post on Mayor Half Moon Landrieu’s all out push for the “Ho Zone” in what appears to be a return to the politics as normal in New Orleans.

A fair read of Jason’s recap of events indicate all the economic interests which stand to benefit have been fully consulted and brought on board. The problem is selling the residents and it appears Half Moon does not care what the locals in the impacted neighborhoods think.

In an interesting political parallel here on the coast, efforts to merge the various tourism marketing groups hit snags in both the legislature and now locally. The money the local politicos are jockeying over comes from BP and potential hotel/motel taxes.

John Fitzhugh / The Sun Herald

Finally NOLA politics got you down? Need to get away for a few days to recharge and refresh?? Sun Herald photo journalist John Fitzhugh profiles Bay St Louis being the most bike friendly city on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and judging from the number of riders I saw last weekend in Old Town and on Beach Boulevard, the visitors in town are taking full advantage of the beautiful views and constant cool sea breeze that never stops this time of year and that does not count the wildlife on the beach itself. I highly recommend it for good clean R&R.
