Just a reminder folks…..

That the same guy that has been scapegoating Hispanic ditch diggers and waiters for our Country’s problems for the past three years also advocated injecting Lysol as a cure for Covid-19. Turns out this is the end result of someone that spends too much time in the West Wing watching Fox News and taking medical advice from crackpots. I could be wrong but we are on track for Republican incompetence killing more people than all the abortionists and illegal immigrants combined.

Donald Trump SLAPP sues over commercial which uses his own words.

Stick a fork in the blowhard as this latest wasting of scarce Court resources on a Devin Nunes style frivolous SLAPP suit smacks of desperation.

If I were that station owner not only would I counter sue, I’d include the lawyer and his partners that put their names on such a stinker as Trumpy’s co-defendants.