Concocted evidence using false affidavits is their middle name……..

Weren’t the Goatherders blaming Hurricane Katrina in the ACOA litigation in Canada saying Danny Abel’s law office was in “New Orleans”?

In that affidavit, filed by Plaintiff Sampson on 12/26/09 in this proceeding, Chris Yount swears that he served Mr. Whetstone through the City Attorney on April 14th, 2004. However, then Plaintiff Sampson’s Supplemental Memorandum admits on 12/31/2009, that this mistaken or false affidavit was a “mistake” attributable to Hurricane Katrina. No mention of the undisputed fact that Mr.Whetstone was not employed by the City at the time of the attempted service is made. The newly scanned Record Document Numbers 2 and 8 in 04-1052 show that Mr. Yount did not go to the City Attorney’s office on April 14th, 2004 as he swore on 12/26/2009 under penalty of perjury, but Mr. Abel went to the City Attorney’s Office instead, as he acknowledges in his 12/31/09 supplemental memorandum.

Yes it is true Chris Yount is a Goatherder troll from way far back but what attracted me to Sampson v Whetstone was the fact it exhibits another of Danny Abel’s crash and burn civil rights lawsuits against NOPD as I continue with document 59-4:

(F). The Motion filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states that “the summons and citation were duly served on defendant MICHAELWHETSTONE on 11 February 2005″. This statement is not true, and it also conflicts with the date of service purportedly upon the City Attorney of April 14th, 2004, given by the other Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Preliminary Default on July 22, 2005 (Doc. # 18, Exhibit “1-B”). Thus, the two motions and affidavits filed in support of the confirmation of default are inconsistent with, and conflict with, each other.
(G). The Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states in Paragraph 2 that “Whetstone was an officer of the NOPD at all pertinent times hereto”.
(H). The Affidavit filed by attorney Daniel Abel in support of the Confirmation of Default on December 19th, 2006, ( Doc. # 36, Exhibit “1-C”), erroneously states in Paragraph 4 that “service was made on Whetstone, returned, and entered in the docket.”
(I). On the original Complaint filed in 04-1052 (Doc. #1), an incorrect service address is listed for Mr. Whetstone.

Crash and burn at the hands of Judge Engelhardt? Slabbed reports, you decide. Next up some lovely music:

Is there a pattern developing of suing, then demonizing the lawsuit victim in legal pleadings for its own sake? This wouldn’t work for a lawyer that is perceived as squeaky clean ethically but for a bunch that completely lacks clean hands it is especially farcical.  Respected Northshore lawyer Chuck Hughes, himself the subject of a Goatherder inspired lawsuit and Channel 4 attack piece via Gates v Strain explains: Continue reading “Concocted evidence using false affidavits is their middle name……..”