The Times Picayune unzips and pisses all over the Zombie. A Cedric Richmond charity looting update.

So here we have it folks, a certified card carrying member of the old Dollar Bill Jefferson political machine who looks to have looted out at least 2 charities Jefferson style and the Times Picayune in one corner and Dambala and other bloggers in the other.

Is it me or did the paper manufacture “facts” to make a point? Do we have a problem with public record requests in New Orleans and Baton Rouge?

Slabbed reports you decide.


ps. Our money is still on the Zombie.

pps. Pissing on a Zombie is an especially bad idea IMHO.

Joe Cao takes the offensive. Dambala’s explosive allegations make the cross over in a big way.

Dambala aka Jason at the American Zombie has done some exhaustive work into the relationship with current LA 2nd Congressional district hopeful Cedric Richmond and a non-profit, NOCA, that Damabala says was looted by Richmond and friends Bill Jefferson style. We’ve highlighted that work and wondered for several weeks why Jason’s reporting never made the cross over to the mass media from the blogosphere.  Well, we wonder no more because it finally did with a story by Michelle Krupa and Frank Donze in today’s Times Picayune.

Our money remains on Jason and I doubt we’ve heard the last of this.
