Justice can wait part deux: Local Magistrate releases inmate because he had tickets to the NFC Championship

From the you can’t make this stuff up file I ran across a story in today’s Times Picayune that highlighted Jefferson Parish Magistrate Carol Kiff releasing an inmate so he could attend the NFC Championship game. Does anyone else wonder how the perpetrator could afford Saints tickets but not his court costs and probation fees? Paul Purpura has the story for the Times Picayune:

A 24th Judicial District Court magistrate released a Metairie man from jail for two days last month so he could attend the Jan. 24 NFC championship game.

But James Buisson, 31, who was jailed on a probation violation, returned two days late to the Jefferson Parish Correctional Center.

The order from Magistrate Commissioner Carol Kiff freeing Buisson caught correctional officers by surprise, leading them to double check with the magistrate to ensure it was accurate, Sheriff Newell Normand said.

“Release from 1-23-10 at noon until 1-25-10 at noon so he can go to the Saints-Vikings game – He has tickets,” Kiff wrote in the Jan. Continue reading “Justice can wait part deux: Local Magistrate releases inmate because he had tickets to the NFC Championship”

On the road to the NFC Championship game Peter Finney finds the Broke Spoke

Pete must have had some of Stevie’s white lightning out of the back because he slaughtered a few of the names in his otherwise entertaining piece. Like I said I can’t explain the attraction other than to simply accept that Hancock County’s most famous beer bar has become a cultural phenomenon in a positive way. The commenters to Finney’s column don’t get it as a group though one obviously did.

Great story, awesome place. Fell off a bar stool once there.

Here is a snippet of the Finney’s column:

Steve Haas is wearing a Viking purple shirt in the midst of, let’s call it, roadhouse decor.

There are pool tables, a wooden stove, and a sign that says, “Green Bay City Limits, Population 96,466.”

Hanging from the ceiling are fishing lures, T-shirts, baseball caps and bras, many of them autographed. Continue reading “On the road to the NFC Championship game Peter Finney finds the Broke Spoke”