Week in Review: Shadrick Visits with the FBI, Issues a Press Release

There are a few different ways to look at the stealing of welfare money going on up in Jackson but the question I’ve had since almost the beginning still haunts me: Why did the State Auditor cut out the US Attorney’s office in this matter. Shadrick issuing the press release after the fact advertising the meeting with the FBI was a nice clue that eau de landfill smell we’re sensing is not a mirage. Add in former pro wrestler Ted Dibiase and his son and all the ingredients for a first class political clusterf*ck are present. This topic is certainly on my radar.

Election Year Sacrificial Lambs…..

I do not have a ton of extra time today to write a more comprehensive post on this topic but is the State Auditor’s repayment demand related to the City of Pascagoula designed to help get Mayor Dane Maxwell a seat on the PSC? In my opinion the answer is clearly yes because both the City and Shad White stopped way short on going after all of the culpable parties such as the audit firm which evidently never bothered to read the bond covenants to test compliance with same, to name one such party. Heck, Mayor Dane even re-hired the audit firm, which evidently uses the three wise monkeys method of auditing so they were actually rewarded here.

The fact that the co-mingling of bond money into the general fund didn’t end until Mayor Dane ran up over $9 million of the accumulated deficit should not be lost on anyone.  None of that excuses the actions of Maxwell’s predecessors Joe Huffman and Bobby Parker but Shad White’s office stopped far short here. I’d submit that Maxwell is a cesspool politician of the type that White would do well to keep an eye on rather than assist.

Maxwell is opposed by Kelvin Schulz on the GOP side for Southern District PSC. Based on his June campaign finance report, Schulz does not appear to be a serious candidate.  Former Ocean Springs Mayor Connie Moran and Sugar Stallings are battling on the Democratic side.