Dr. Conaway, like you’ve never seen him…..

For many down on the coast there is a real disconnect between the political happenings in Jackson and most of the locals. That is especially true in Hancock Parish, which far more identifies with the state of Louisiana than it does with Mississippi culturally. That doesn’t mean there aren’t locals that are active in Mississippi state politics but what happens in Jackson has always tended to stay in Jackson. Enter Jackson Jambalaya.

Kingfish does a great job covering the Jackson area and one of the places that he adds real value is covering the multitude of state boards, a true shadow government that even successfully resisted Phil Bryant’s best efforts to rein in. Late yesterday Kingfish put the spotlight on the Dental Board which Dr. Conaway currently chairs. That look did not reflect well on Dr. Conaway, who apparently lacks the temperament for the trade as Kingfish’s video of his very bad treatment of a citizen attempting to make public comment on an agenda item at last month’s meeting illustrates.

Here is a very small sampling of how the good folks up in Jackson see the Doc: Continue reading “Dr. Conaway, like you’ve never seen him…..”