Lets kick off the New Year Gretna style and examine city government at its worst.

Folks I don’t live in the proverbial land of milk and honey but there are some stark differences in how Government works over here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. One area the contrast is stark is in Code enforcement. To wit:

It is my intention to cast a light on those who do their jobs well. To that end, a man worthy of recognition is Mr. Tommy Kidd, the Environmental Consultant for Hancock County and Bay St. Louis.

Mr. Kidd not only coordinates hazardous waste disposals, but he traverses the county and Bay St. Louis to insure that any unsafe properties are cleaned up. He works with the individual property owners so the cleanup is completed in a timely fashion, and that the waste is disposed of properly. Additionally, he has assisted Waveland with their beautification efforts, even though he has no contract with them – only one example of going above and beyond.

I have witnessed how Mr. Kidd works with property owners first hand. He is kind and compassionate. Some have problems remaining from Katrina, and others have new issues. But, no matter the cause, he treats everyone with dignity and respect.
We were the contact party for several lots owned by a friend. Without our knowledge, local subcontractors had been using the lot to dump their waste materials, i.e. paint, sheetrock, scrap wood, etc. Mr. Kidd contacted me regarding the matter, and assisted us in having the debris removed. We were never threatened with legal action as so many others do. He has exceptional public relations skills and promotes community goodwill.

And in today’s Sun Herald we have this from Melissa Scallan:

Gulfport has had great success with its environmental court, said Rick Ryan, chief of code enforcement and environmental compliance for the city. Continue reading “Lets kick off the New Year Gretna style and examine city government at its worst.”