Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)

Louisiana State Senator Danny "Stooge" Martiny

I have an inbox have full of emails and we’ve had more than a few comments here on the recent attempt of the political class in Jefferson Parish to substantially weaken the Louisiana Public Records law. This is typical behavior for the cockroaches in government over at the Yenni Building and State Senator Martiny has plenty of bona fides in with the political machine that runs Parish Government. 

Before I highlight the media coverage I’d like to address Senator Martiny directly and say that I’m certain that once upon a time, before the thirst for power and money corrupted your soul, you were most likely a decent guy. To the general public watching this saga unfold including your own constituents, you now come across as a complete stooge reflective of the dishonest self entitled piece of crap you’ve become sir. Sorry to be so blunt but this isn’t one of Tim Whitmer’s love letters to Dawn, this is a legal affairs blog. 

With that said let’s highlight the coverage in order beginning with a Bill Barrow report for the Times Picayune: 

As the Legislature prepares to convene Monday, Sen. Danny Martiny, R-Kenner, is pushing two measures that would add new exemptions to Louisiana public records law. Continue reading “Slabbed joins the Louisiana public records battle and welcomes career politician and stooge Danny Martiny to the Do Slabb Inn. (The “Warren” executive suite, extra nice)”