Monday Open: Advocate Series on Corporate Welfare rolls out

This is a topic whose time for exploration across the South is really past due. That said Gordon Russell and the gang at the Advocate put out a whopper of a first installment on Louisiana’s corporate welfare programs, which are being funded off the backs of its colleges and universities:

Special Report: Giving away Louisiana ~ The Advocate

Locally the pension disaster at the Singing River Hospital system continues to pop up in the news. A second bite at the subject here on Slabbed is past due.

In any event here are a couple more links starting with the MDOC scandal:

Benjamin Story Raises More Questions ~ Jackson Jambalaya

Conservative Activists Hint at Undercover Stunt Targeting Mary Landrieu ~ Elizabeth Crisp

Finally the local GOP is formally disavowing Louisiana PSC candidate Forest Wright, whose RINO baggage was first rolled out here on Slabbed back in September in response to party faithful contacting me. With PSC Candidate Eric Skrmetta being endorsed in commercials by folks like Steve Scalise, Forest Wright is now on the defensive with ads like the following hitting the airways:

In response to Wright’s ads alleging Skrmetta is corrupt, Team Skrmetta went into the CDC and got themselves a temporary restraining order on some of the more over the top Wright ads: Continue reading “Monday Open: Advocate Series on Corporate Welfare rolls out”