It’s elementary my dear Watson. This is a “crime family” affair. Slabbed takes a look at a recent earmark/charity looting in Jefferson Parish. Part 1 a few of the key players.

Like everything else Jefferson Parish even this post is tangentially related to the River Birch Landfill so before we talk 2010 I find it helpful to set up the players, both the public faces and the ones behind the scenes so let’s set the dial on the way back machine to 2008 and visit with Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee and his charity, The Jefferson Sports and Scholastic Foundation courtesy of Meghan Gordon and the Times Picayune:

In defending his public support of a nonprofit he created, Jefferson Parish Councilman Byron Lee said the money he doles out from a West Bank landfill settlement represents but a sliver of the Jefferson Sports and Scholastic Foundation’s revenue.

“The amount of funding that this organization has received is a fraction of what they have received from other resources, ” Lee said at a recent Jefferson Parish Council meeting, pointing to federal grants and individuals’ donations while explaining the group’s worthiness to receive the settlement payments. Continue reading “It’s elementary my dear Watson. This is a “crime family” affair. Slabbed takes a look at a recent earmark/charity looting in Jefferson Parish. Part 1 a few of the key players.”