The New York Times on Bush Lackey Marc Racicot Leaving the AIA: “Don’t be the last guy off the (Gravy) train”

Our readers no doubt remember our recent post on George Bush political lackey Mark Racicot being curbed by the American Insurance Association from his $1.8 million dollar a year job with them. Our take was vastly different from the Kool Aid being served by AIA at the time. Today, the New York Times picks up the story and puts a slabbed like analysis on the recent turnover on K Street:

Richard Hunt, a top Republican lobbyist for the securities industry, was among the first to go, just a week after the election. Marc Racicot, the president of the American Insurance Association and former Republican Party chairman, resigned a few days later. So did Frank L. Bowman, the retired admiral and Republican-leaning chief of the nuclear energy lobby, citing “this period of dramatic change in Congress and the White House.”

All were casualties of a broad shake-up of the lobbying world set off by the Democratic ascendance in Congress and at the White House. Continue reading “The New York Times on Bush Lackey Marc Racicot Leaving the AIA: “Don’t be the last guy off the (Gravy) train””