And the Sheriff would’ve kneed the boy in the nuts if he’d been there: A JPSO Mardi Gras Beating Update

The lesson I am learning from Sheriff Noodles is to never get uppity with his guys but first:

Another lesson I think that should be clear to all is to avoid Jefferson Parish on Mardi Gras. In Jefferson Parish there is the above while over on the uptown parade route this is how the police kill time between the parades there:

Jefferson Parish Sheriff: Teen punched on video ‘started it’; Boy owes cop an apology, Normand says ~ Jim Mustian

While Normand declined to second-guess Breaux, he said he wasn’t “so sure I would have struck (Becker) with my fist, for fear of breaking my hand.”

“But I’d have definitely kneed him in the groin,” Normand added. “I’d have kneed him in the stomach. I’d have tried to knock his wind out, because he does not have the legal right or authority to grab my officer. That is not what we’re paid for.”

But really happened yesterday at the presser was the Sheriff nabbed a couple gallons of gasoline and started singing Fire Water Burn but seeing is believing in this case folks:

Thuggery that strikes at the heart of the criminal justice system…..

Anyone that has not seen the following should take the time to click the links that follow to see what “Just Us” justice entails. First I start with local criminal defense attorney Chris Mordock via twitter:

Charges crumble after cell phone video uncovered ~ Mike Perlstein

If slapping trumped up charges against the process server was not enough, how about instilling fear and intimidation into the heart of the next process server serving legal papers related to the first case above:

Another process server claims intimidation by Tammany DA’s office ~ Sara Pagones

Even worse, one of the alleged perpetrators in both incidents, Julie Knight is still on the job there in the St Tammany DA office prosecuting cases. It is frankly disgusting.

In other news it appears the FBI has looked at the cell phone video of JPSO Detective Nicholas Breaux stomping a defenseless teenager at Mardi Gras. It also appears they must not agree with Sheriff’s police report which contends the teenager was choking Breaux, who moonlights as a mixed martial arts fighter when he is not stomping defenseless teenagers for Sheriff Newell Normand.

FBI confirms formal investigation into case of Jefferson Parish deputy repeatedly punching high school student in face ~ Jim Mustian

I think most everyone understands that sometimes people in law enforcement have a bad day on occasion and that some folks simply do not have a temperament for the trade. The problem lies in the attempted coverup.

Something tells me we have not heard the last of these cases.