Professor Bernofsky would like a word with the House Judiciary Committee…..

Late last week the T-P’s Bruce Alpert had a story on 2 local US Court nominees that described a virtual love-in for Stephen Higginson and Jane Triche-Milazzo for open spots on the 5th Circuit and LAED respectively. As fate would have it I met Jane Triche-Milazzo many years ago and was impressed by her and her family. To date I’ve heard very little criticism of Triche-Milazzo but Higginson is a different story as late last week I also disclosed our own Ashton O’Dwyer wrote the Senate Judiciary committee regarding Higginson, specifically his involvement in the travesty of justice/political prosecution of him, a topic we’ve covered since the very beginning of that part of the O’Dwyer Katrina saga. Higginson wrote the Team Letten appeal of Judge Walter’s dismissal of the bogus charges against him.

I do not know the behind the scenes politics involved that would cause Jim Letten to risk his rep abusing the powers of his office on some sort of personal vendetta against a broken, very troubled man but I suspect it contains an element of stupidity derived from being too close to the subject matter in question. Whatever the case others have also noticed and this story crossed over to the Times Picayune yesterday as the T-P featured Professor Carl Bernofsky’s remarks about Higginson and his involvement in the political prosecution of Ashton.  This story clearly hit a sore spot in certain prosecutorial circles as witnessed by the comments, which branded Professor Bernofsky as a nut case. My own thoughts after examining the injustice that was perpetrated on the good Professor by the interest conflicted Ginger Berrigan, a purported liberal jurist that never met an insurance company or murderer she failed to like, is that Carl is an eloquent and lucid advocate for judicial reform. And that fact is why Professor Bernofsky, his blog TulaneLink along with his advocacy on behalf of Team O’Dwyer has graced these pages in the past. Continue reading “Professor Bernofsky would like a word with the House Judiciary Committee…..”

SLABBED Daily – April 27

Call this the evening edition – but if I’d resolved my computer problem early enough to post this morning, I would have faced the problem of no news.  Even at this hour there wasn’t much but – just in case you haven’t heard – here goes:

We’re getting closer to having a FEMA director (and closer to hurricane season, too).  The Time Picayune reports:

In a quick, unanimous voice vote this afternoon, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the nominations of Craig Fugate to be Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency…

“As Director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, Mr. Fugate has provided strong leadership, helping guide the state of Florida and relevant local governments through a range of challenges, including several devastating and deadly hurricanes,” said Committee Chairman Joseph Lieberman. “Mr. Fugate has the support of his peers, and everything I know of his record suggests he is an excellent choice for this job…

Eleven of the 16 members of the committee were on hand for the vote. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., who also strongly supported Fugate’s confirmation, was in New Orleans announcing her support for keeping Jim Letten, a Republican, as U.S. Attorney for Louisiana’s Eastern District…

Say what, Senator? The TP had the story but no picture of the Senator who likely was wearing her flip flops.

U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu said today she will recommend that Jim Letten retain his post as U.S. Attorney for Louisiana’s Eastern District. Continue reading “SLABBED Daily – April 27”

EWE & Jim Letten: Secret Deals for Guidry and Graham. Perdigao SOL

The last Edwin Edwards investigation and trial was a go for broke effort. EWE had beaten the Feds twice in court years earlier and passed into legend during his second corruption trial when he mixed drinks for bar patrons in the French Quarter with his lawyer one evening after the day’s court session had ended.

As a Hancock County guy who at the time identified himself as more of a Louisianian than Mississippian, (not an uncommon thing in Hancock County) I don’t know that I can adequately explain the public’s love affair with a man we all knew was a crook. What I do know is today, even former EWE rivals like Governor David Treen think he should be released from prison. As we dig into USA v Perdigao v Adams & Reese I’m beginning to understand why people could think Edwin Edwards was railroaded. Thanks to Belle’s monitoring of PACER we have posted Perdigao’s Amended Witness List to our Perdigao litigation page. The amendment contains exhibits including the Texas case of USA v Collins that provides some color.

To understand the explosive implications of the Perdigao’s allegations against US Attorney Letten we start with this column written in late April by Times Picayune columnist James Gill. I remember Mr Gill as a talented writer and bane of uptown bluebloods. He also boils Perdigao’s allegations against Jim Letten and Robert Guidry down to the nitty gritty: Continue reading “EWE & Jim Letten: Secret Deals for Guidry and Graham. Perdigao SOL”