BREAKING: Rotten to the Core Part Deux: Cottonmouth is reporting AG hopeful Steve Simpson went easy on accused murderer Jeremy Manieri in a child molestation case.

Folks as the criminal history of the accused murderer of Father Ed Everitt, Jeremy Manieri comes to light people inevitably ask themselves how a two-time felony loser, one of which was for child molestation could be on the streets at age 31. The folks at Cottonmouth have an answer in Mississippi Attorney General Candidate Stephen Simpson who was the Circuit Court Judge to whom the Manieri molestation case was assigned back in 2006.  Ironically these new revelations come almost one year to the day that we introduced Simpson to the Slabbed Nation for letting one of his drinking buddies out of the pokey early. The stuff on Manieri’s second scrape with a felony conviction from Cottonmouth, a democrat blogging asset, is damning. Here is a snippet:

Some interesting notes:

  1. Manieri was a convicted felon when he pled guilty before then-Judge Simpson for “touch(ing) or rub(bing) with his hands and tongue the vagina” of the child in question.
  2. Not only was Manieri a convicted felon at the time he pled, he was also on probation for his prior conviction of credit card fraud.
  3. The plea was an “Alford” or “best interests” plea. That means that Manieri would not admit his guilt, but did admit that if he proceeded to trial, the State had enough evidence to probably lead to a guilty verdict. Continue reading “BREAKING: Rotten to the Core Part Deux: Cottonmouth is reporting AG hopeful Steve Simpson went easy on accused murderer Jeremy Manieri in a child molestation case.”