Jackson and Mayberry by the Sea have something in common

Through time I’ve learned to trust my instincts and watch certain indicators when it comes to happenings in the investigative community. I’ve also made several connections that include high quality people that know many other high quality people. I’d be more specific about sourcing but that would destroy the magic.

Several months back I ran a post about the City of Jackson, Siemens and Mayor Tony Yarber which highlighted a Jackson Free Press story on Mayor Yarber being questioned by the FBI, an assertion which Mayor Yarber denied. I can’t say who has spoken with whom in Jackson but I can say I’ve confirmed through my own sources that the FBI is looking at the City and the Siemens contract. The rumors surrounding that investigation are about as numerous as the ones involving HCUA so this is no major revelation but the journalism community likes confirmation, especially when it comes from sources that were not previously aware of the Jackson Free Press story or the identity of the Mayor of Jackson for that matter.

Moving right along to here in Mayberry by the Sea, news of the presence of the FBI is not necessarily a bombshell as there had been previous sightings of the G-men at the County annex within the past three years. I can’t be very specific but I will say the latest rumors here do not involve the FBI visiting the County Annex. I have the possibilities narrowed to two but I’ll decline the chance to publicly speculate on those possibilities as things are not yet completely clear. That said I have reason to believe it is connected to issues previously reported on by Slabbed New Media.

Stay tuned.

Indictment rumors swirling from the Coast to the Capital

After all folks, it is the fall indictment season in here Mississippi. That said I’ve found indictment rumors to be notorious unreliable except in certain circumstances. That said the muckraking community is raking up in Jacktown:

Mayor Yarber: FBI Has Not Questioned Me ~ R. L. Nave

Numerous sources in the Jackson legal and political community suggested that the city’s $90 million Siemens contract could be a target in the investigation, Yarber, who voted to approve that contract, when he was city council president, said today that his administration has “not been any part of any major contract negotiations” in the seven months since he took office and that while he served on the council as the Ward 6 representative, and as council president, he “didn’t have an opportunity to participate in contracting.”

I haven’t posted on it but the Mayoral election in Jackson was a three ring circus and now this. That said I have this from Greece from this past Monday:

Prosecutor seeks trial for 64 in Siemens bribery scandal ~ ekathimerini.com

And of course there is this circa 2008:

At Siemens, Bribery Was Just a Line Item ~ Siri Schubert and T. Christian Miller

Could all be just a coincidence but that rumor mill is on fire at present.  Did I mention the indictment rumors swirling here on the coast? Continue reading “Indictment rumors swirling from the Coast to the Capital”