Singing River Health System on Hook for a Cool $17.8 million in MOB litigation

Those wanting to catch up on Jackson County suing its own Hospital system can click here for vital background on a story you will only learn about here on Slabbed.
Folks the case has advanced and your tax money is being spent, copiously I’ll add behind closed doors. I have this from a well placed source:

Full docket text for document 191:
Partial Summary Judgment. Signed by D Neil Harris on 10/11/2019. (Whitfield, Carol)

The Court voided the sale/lease agreement – financing agreement between SRHS and SR MOB saying it was not fully spread upon the minutes at SRHS and the County.

The Court also ordered SRHS to pay SR MOB $17,800,000 before December 1, 2019, to avoid being unjustly enriched by SR MOB’s construction of the building. Of that money, $13,000,000 must go to pay off the deed of trust. The Court also decided to hold a hearing to determine the liability of every person/entity that was received public money pursuant to the now void sale/lease agreement.

Since then this case has advanced to the State Supreme Court on interlocutory appeal.

I again openly wonder on what metric does one government suing another merit a sealed case? This is your tax money Jackson County, at least you should have access to proceedings where a judge is dictating how it is spent.

Stay tuned folks.

Jackson County sues its own Community Hospital and the Chancellor has sealed the case….

The more I peel back this onion the more it stinks folks and we’re not talking about chump change either. I start at the beginning of this disaster, when Singing River Hospital went hat in hand to the Mississippi Department of Health needing to update its Certificate of Need (CON).

MDH staff analysis of amend… by on Scribd

The takeaway from the above is back in 2008 Singing River Hospital needed more office space and had vacant land available on the hospital’s campus to add a 55,000 square foot medical office building that was estimated to cost just over $13,000,000 equipped. Johnson Development of Alabama was hired to do the design and build.

Next up we jump ahead eleven years to January 2019 when Singing River MOB, LLC sues the Hospital and Jackson County for back rent. Continue reading “Jackson County sues its own Community Hospital and the Chancellor has sealed the case….”