Under FBI Investigation and Siege by Four PO’d Municipalities: Slabbed Presents the Jackson County Utility Authority

So folks is this a nothing burger or something different? It isn’t often that those close to the target of the investigation discloses it to the public in the newspaper:

FBI is investigating the Jackson County Utility Authority, official says ~ Karen Nelson

That story stuck with me with a few reasons as the JCUA has shown up in the news for another reason too:

Cities vote to sue: You spent $159M on county, not us ~ Karen Nelson

So now we have an FBI Investigation that Supervisor Randy Bosarge implies may be related to political infighting on the Utility Authority Board. I guess my question is if that is true and its a bunch of dogs fighting over the same piece of meat, who is minding the doghouse because the Utility Authority lost a boatload of money in 2016 along with violating its 2016 Bond Issue Covenants. (H/T to a concerned reader) Continue reading “Under FBI Investigation and Siege by Four PO’d Municipalities: Slabbed Presents the Jackson County Utility Authority”