These moments of media insanity can be explained

There are large segments of the main stream media that simply do not get out enough, especially in the U.K.:

This Dildo Flag Was Mistaken For An “ISIS Flag” By CNN ~ David Mack

But it gets even better.  Mention intolerance and homosexuality in the same sentence and otherwise bright people become blithering idiots:

Star Wars ‘reeks of misogyny’: SJW satirist punks BBC World Service ~ Milo Yiannopoulos

Seems to me on these hot button social issues all you get are the extremes on both sides which is why I normally tune this sort of stuff out. But since I did this post, here are the two extremes with a bonus of the second link being used for analysis purposes in the CNN ISIS Dildo flag segment.

CNN International reporter Lucy Pawle Spots ‘ISIS Flag’ at London Gay Pride Parade ~ Youtube

ISIS throw man off tall building for being gay, crowd stones him to death ~ Youtube

Closer to home is our pesky state flag. I’m personally in favor of changing it.  A central Mississippi artist has published a few concept designs to twitter, the first one well over a year ago: Continue reading “These moments of media insanity can be explained”