The Failure is Complete Part 2: Katrina Ground Zero seething with anger.

Today was typical of my days of late, up around 3AM to browse the news and maybe write a post and, then some paying work. Today I mixed business and blogging starting my day on skid row with the Wino before heading to Bay-Waveland to meet with a few of my clients.

What I found today was somewhat unusual because there were no Republicans or Democrats around. Rather I found a community united by anger. Anger at BP, anger at the Coast Guard and anger at certain elected officials that have failed the community which elected them to office.

I was asked not to blog on this topic by a member of the Slabbed Nation that felt it counter productive. I’m not in the mood to protect certain self serving idiots on the Board of Supervisors but tonight I honor the request and will not identify the perpetrators. Tonight oil hits the beaches of Hancock County. If it gets into the Bay of St Louis I’ll be naming names.

We have met the enemy at it is us.

Meantime Kathie Koch’s new book arrived today and I can’t put it down. The house our own Steve’s parents lost is mentioned on the same page as the De Mountluzin’s. The memories it brings back. 1972 was not that long ago……
