It’s Official, Anderson Cooper joins Bobby Bermdoggle Jindal as an oil spill idiot. Snookered again: How the National Media let us down after the Oil Spill

Is it news or is what we see on the TeeVee all show biz? The answer folks, is show biz aka self-interest driven propaganda, as Jonathan Tilove at the Times Picayune explains:

About of a third of the way through the National Oil Spill Commission’s 400-page report, there is a 43-page chapter on the oil spill response and containment efforts that suggests that berms and boom were pretty much a bust, collecting more headlines than oil.

Along the way, the report also casts a rather unflattering light on Louisiana officialdom, singling out Gov. Bobby Jindal and Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser.

And while Nungesser was cashing in with BP along with St Bernard Parish Sheriff Jack Stevens, the media was running to him for the self serving sound bite de jour, making the media in general and Anderson Cooper in particular mighty useful idiots for this corrupt local politician as we continue:

According to the commission’s narrative, the festering animosity in Louisiana’s relationship with Washington was nurtured by a news media that thrives on conflict. Continue reading “It’s Official, Anderson Cooper joins Bobby Bermdoggle Jindal as an oil spill idiot. Snookered again: How the National Media let us down after the Oil Spill”