Trading Spaces (not the TV show)

Here’s the River Birch office building.  What do you see?

  • A sign indicating two business occupy the building.
  • A covered entrance at the left end of the building.
  • Double doors opening from the entrance (Right Arrow)
  • A white door to the left of the double doors (Left Arrow)

SLABBED has offered three tours:

As I was cleaning up the photo files, I ran across a couple of pictures that had been overlooked when putting the tours together.  I still don’t have a floor plan.  However, this exterior shot gives some indication of the layout.  Consequently, in this sweep tour, I can update a few earlier guesses with somewhat “educated” guesses and a very helpful “hint” from Tele”. Continue reading “Trading Spaces (not the TV show)”

River Birch tried “volley” – latest shot in the Tournament of Trash was a backhand that fell shorter than a Venus Williams’ skirt

The Times-Picayune got the story out River Birch launches new volley in Jefferson Parish landfill debate:

River Birch Inc. opened a new front Thursday in its effort to sway public opinion in the Jefferson Parish landfill debate.

The company placed a full-page advertisement in The Times-Picayune as its latest flyer landed in residents’ mailboxes…Both pieces take aim at Waste Management, the company that now operates the parish-owned landfill at Waggaman…

While Nancy Drew tried to use the story as an attempt to thwart his effort to revirginate John Young, Tele called the shot:

The return PO, PO BOX 1938, Gretna, is that of LIVE OAK HOMES CORP.

In other words, the Birchers who have the brass ballz to present that they are separate and individual entities who have been unfairly searched and seized from are using one of their corporate nicks/subenitites to do the money shoveling and pimping for their very, very, very dirty business.

Trash is indeed dirty business but garbage is garbage –  but the search team’s photographs talk truth about trash better than a River Birch advertisement. Continue reading “River Birch tried “volley” – latest shot in the Tournament of Trash was a backhand that fell shorter than a Venus Williams’ skirt”