Meantime up in the Hub City, a journalist is allegedly assaulted

Th alleged assault happened just after the Hattiesburg Patriot published the following picture of the Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee, who clearly was not feeling very photogenic when the picture was taken:

Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee via the Hattiesburg Patriot Facebook page

These days Sheriff McGee is either loved or hated as it appears there is no middle ground up in the Pine Belt.

With all the excitement, I had to catch up and man have we been missing the action lately as it appears Chancery Court is the place to be these days in the ‘Burg: Continue reading “Meantime up in the Hub City, a journalist is allegedly assaulted”

Sheriff Billy is in big electoral trouble

Seeing Sheriff Billy McGee signs on Highway 13 in an election year is not much of a surprise. Seeing more Charlie Sims for Sheriff signs along the way was surprising and not because Charlie is a piker because he isn’t. Charlie is in fact a respected law enforcement professional with a lifetime of experience. I may biased though because I have a professional affinity for Mrs. Sims, who is a gifted K-12 educator and administrator.

In any event, for those of you wanting more color about that which I am writing, especially the flesh tones, click here for more info.